শনিবার, ১৪ এপ্রিল, ২০১৮

Top 10 Secret SEO Tools | Increase Website Ranking 

I am going to show you top 10 best free SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools which you can use to increase your website ranking and beat your competitors easily. 1. w3techs.com/sites This website helps you to find the right CMS and all language that used to create a website, just visit it and type any site URL that you wanna know about and get the all important details about CMS and web languages. 2. whatwpthemeisthat.com WhatWPThemeisThat helps you to find the right theme that used a website, for example, you want to know about a web www.anything.com that which theme uses this web, so you can get the theme name and all details. 3. gtmetrix.com One of my favorite tool for checking website speed, it's a 100% free tool, just type any site URL and get the site speed test and also this site tells how to increase the website speed that you have posted. 4. developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights This is a Google official tool and it works same like Gtmetrix website; it tells us website speed, website opening score on a computer and mobile phone, you can check from here that your site is mobile friendly or not. 5. kwfinder.com It's the best tool for keyword research, it's a premium tool, but we can use for the limited time for free. This tool provides all important data, and monthly searches result about any keyword and tell us how much difficult your keyword is. You can also get many ideas when you type your first keyword so that this tool will show other related keywords automatically. 6. wordcounttools.com This tool counts our article or text words and character; you can use this for SEO purpose, like if you want to write 500 words article so you can use this tool for counting your words. 7. lsigraph.com LSI stand for Latent Semantic Indexing, It means you have to find your main keyword related long words, LSI keywords are great for ranking and Google loves it. Using LSIGraph.com, you can find many long tail LSI keywords for your article and make the seo optimized article. 8. seomofo.com/snippet-optimizer.html If you want to live preview of your written article title and description thaw how it will show in Google search result so you can use this fantastic free online tool to get the live preview and edit your title and description according to Google policy by using this website. 9. similarweb.com This site helps us to give the right report about any website's total traffic, traffic source, and many other important things. It's the best tool for people who want to buy a new blog or want to check their competitor's website. 10. moz.com/researchtools/ose/ It's a Moz.com free tool for analysing the website and page authority and give us all inbound backlinks report for free.

How can I get leads to my website?

Getting traffic to websites is a major preoccupation of most online business owners and marketers.

There are ways of getting leads for your business without going through the traditional way of trying to get the potential customer to your website first - in this answer, I'll outline four ways to generate leads that convert.

Let's get started.

1.Facebook Lead Ads
Facebook Lead Ads enable you to gather leads information direct from the ad, auto-filled from information on the users' Facebook profile. When you click on a lead Ad, it brings up a prefilled form with the details of the user - the advertiser can specify what info they want, be it name, email address, date of birth, etc.

Setting up Facebook Lead Ads is similar to other types of Facebook ads. Once the user clicks on your ad, confirms their details and submits the form, you'll receive the lead information, which you can then follow up on.

If you are looking to set up successfully your first Lead Ads campaign I suggest you this , that will help you to accomplish this goal :)

2.Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is an offer made in exchange for getting the contact details of your visitors. Lead magnets are generally free resources, designed to help attract prospects. Effective lead magnet options include eBooks, templates, free training, cheat sheets, etc.

In order to get people's information, you have to provide an offer that justifies such sharing. An attractive lead magnet will increase your sign-up rates - but conversely, an unattractive lead magnet can easily fall flat

You can generate thousands of leads monthly with a good lead magnet, while they also have the capacity to attract 20-30% more leads every day.

For your lead magnet to be effective, it should:

·         Be free (with sign-up)
·         Make a promise
·         Engage with key points
·         Add great value to your customer
·         Satisfy a need or solve a problem (at least give direction to solving the problem)
·         Appeal to your target audience
·         Provide needed information
·         Have a clear call to action.

If you own or run a blog, you can rework all your previous content and post it again on Medium. As long as your stories/content are good, they'll be shown to visitors on the site. You may not even need to bother about content promotion, as it happens naturally on Medium - if, of course, your content strikes a chord.

Bear in mind that your content is sorted and shown to targeted audiences according to themed collections.

But the additional audience potential is big - for example, if your stories are featured in the 'Editors pick collection' - which has over 700k people following - the exposure can be significant.

To be successful on Medium, here are a few tips:

·         Rework or rewrite old and valuable content from your blog before publishing on Medium
·         Be strategic by creating a collection around a specific theme related to your business
·         Add infographics, cartoons, and images to your posts
·         Don’t forget to provide links back to your blog or website
·         Take advantage of the key metrics provided by Medium to know how your content is performing
·         Link to other content on your website
·         Recommend other great posts in your niche or industry

4.Landing Page
A landing page is very important in building a successful lead generation strategy. It is a page you send visitors in order to get their email, communicate with them and turn them into customers. You can use a landing page to capture email lead, sell a product or service, invite people to your webinar or make an announcement or offer a discount. A landing page that will convert must have a compelling headline, an interesting opening that will compel readers to read and move down through the copy. Therefore, you will need to use your customer’s language to write attention-grabbing copy. Test all the elements of design to make sure everything is working.

মঙ্গলবার, ১০ এপ্রিল, ২০১৮

50 Steps Every Entrepreneur Must Take to Build a Business

Starting a business is one of the most challenging and rewarding things you’ll ever do. The process is simpler than you might imagine, but to try to boil it down to five or 10 steps is an underestimation and an injustice. The following 50 steps to start a business are, for the most part, necessary -- though some businesses may be able to skip several steps, and others may be able to accomplish them completely out of order.

Related: 7 Myths About Starting a Business That I Used to Believe

Take these steps to start your business, however they suit you best:

1. Be inspired. Your first step is to get inspired to be an entrepreneur. If you’re reading this article, you’re probably already there.

2. Have a passion. Few business owners are successful without a sufficient passion driving their efforts. Find something you’re passionate about.

3. Educate yourself. You don’t need a college degree, but you do need to be aware of the risks and realities of business ownership.

4. Generate an idea. This is the hard part: coming up with an idea that has the potential to launch a full-fledged business.

5. Preliminarily research the idea. Poke around the web and see what you can find. Are there other businesses like this?

6. Talk to others. See what your friends and family think about your idea, and be open to criticism.

7. Develop the idea. Brainstorm to work out the potential flaws and key advantages.

8. Research and start a business plan. Now’s your chance to get more involved. Find out what competitors there are and dig deep to create a full-fledged business plan (use the next steps to help you).

9. Determine your target market. Not everyone will be your target customer. Find a niche.

10. Come up with a financial model. How much are you going to charge? How much will it cost to run the business? How profitable can you be?

11. Come up with an operations model. Who and what do you need to maintain production?

12. Come up with a staffing plan. Determine the people you need to hire to get things started.

13. Come up with a sales and marketing plan. This isn’t superfluous. Sales and marketing are what will drive your business to grow.

14. Come up with a growth plan. How do you expect to scale in the first year? What about years two and three?

15. Decide on a legal structure for your business. Every legal construct has advantages and disadvantages. Think carefully about what will work best.

16. Determine what you need to start. Think about the people, resources and capital you need, and have both an “ideal” and “minimum” range.

17. Objectively analyze the risk. Determine how much you stand to lose if the company goes under.

18. If you're ready, quit your current job. If everything looks good, pull the trigger and invest yourself full-time in your enterprise.

19. Secure capital. Withdraw savings, borrow from friends, seek funding or set up a line of credit with a bank -- or some combination of these.

20. Seek resources and aid. Join a small-business development center and find local resources to help you succeed.

21. Scout for potential clients. Keep your eyes peeled for individuals and businesses that might buy from you, and the earlier the better. Try to get at least one client before investing a dime.

Related: Need a Business Idea? Here are 55

22. Register your business name. It’s a simple step, but a necessary one.

23. Get a tax ID. Don’t forget about your tax responsibilities.

24. File for state and local taxes. Don’t neglect this financial step.

25. Obtain any necessary permits or licenses. Your business may require additional legal registrations.

26. Recruit one or more mentors. Find experienced entrepreneurs who can help you with the remaining steps, offering insight and guidance.

27. Find your key locations. Your office location, operations HQ and related issues are important decisions to make.

28. Establish a unique brand. Find out what makes your business unique, and develop a brand around it.

29. Start building a personal brand. While you’re at it, build a personal brand for yourself.

30. Create a test product or service. Call it a prototype if you want. Create a sample if you haven’t already.

31. Establish key vendors and partners. Find contractors, vendors and suppliers to help your business succeed.

32. Learn and apply your employer responsibilities. You’ll have to offer certain benefits, conditions and withholdings.

33. Hire your first employees. Hire the bare minimum you need to get started.

34. Create a human resource plan and company culture. Create some guidelines, and hire people who will adhere to them.

35. Start selling. Go out and sell the heck out of your products.

36. Launch a website. As soon as you can, establish an online presence.

37. Outline and begin a digital marketing campaign. Digital marketing is cheap, easy, and effective. SEO, content marketing, and social media are good places to start.

38. Network everywhere you go. Make it a point to meet people. You never know who could be a new client or employee.

39. Find at least one dependable, long-term client. Prioritize getting at least one surefire long-term client.

40. Use promotions and discounts to attract new customers. Profitability is not as important as recognition in your early stages.

41. Learn from customer feedback and launch a second iteration of your products or services. Make tweaks to your offerings.

42. Hire more employees if necessary. When you’re ready, expand the team.

43. Tweak your operations to become more efficient. No operation plan is perfect. Find ways to improve yours.

44. Ensure your cash flow remains positive, with proper safety measures. Cash can kill an otherwise profitable business. Don’t neglect it.

45. Scale your sales strategy. Do more.

46. Scale your marketing strategy. Reach further.

47. Invest in infrastructural improvements. Improve whatever you can afford to improve to make your customers happier.

48. Learn more about your industry. Reach out to competitors, and attend industry conferences.

49. Become a thought leader. Establish yourself as an authority by speaking, writing and hosting webinars.

50. Evaluate your progress thus far, and adjust your business plan. Determine where you are in contrast to where you thought you’d be, and think about what expectations you had that were wrong. Revisit your business plan and adjust it to reflect your current situation and understandings.

Every business is unique, so yours may not perfectly adhere to the formula. Use these steps as a loose guideline for the course of your business’ development, and thrust yourself into the process as much as you can. 


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